Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Happiness is...

Have you ever seen someone swing the world by its tail? See below...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Things are Looking Up

And by things I mean Harper. She is also walking the walk and talking the talk, though she's doing neither with any real facility. The walking is either assisted or, if solo, is almost immediately punctuated by a falling forward. The things she says are absolutely meaningless in traditional English, but are some of the most hilarious sounds we've ever heard.

She also climbs and claps and answers the telephone (or anything electronic).

Look out monkeys of the world: Harper's giving you a run for your money.

Monday, April 09, 2007


We recently took Harper to the park to swing. This was her first swinging experience and we had talked it up a great deal. As you can tell from the picture below, at first she was not so impressed.

This is so not a big deal, Mom & Dad. This is barely more
entertaining than my over-played Excersaucer.

What the...

Oh good grief! That was terrific. Once I realized you two hadn't
completely lost your minds, I really enjoyed that! Again!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

First Easter

Harper's first Easter brought all kinds of goodness. Pictured: a bonnet and hilariously cute Easter getup. Not pictured: Harper learning the wobbly art of balancing without holding on to anything. And if you set her up just right, she'll actually take a step before teetering headfirst into whomever is on hand to catch her.

I think we're going to need to get her a helmet.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I guess she will be walking soon

When I picked Harper up from school today this is what her daily report read:
Today, Harper held on to the science/rocks area and released her hands! She did this several times. I guess she will be walking soon. Janet.

I had to read it several times. I guess she will be walking soon. I guess she will be walking soon. Where did my little baby girl go? How could it be possible that Harper will be walking soon?
S-l-o-w down, please.

Love, Mom

Monday, April 02, 2007

Happy Monday

Hope everyone has a good week.