Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Jackie-O wishes you all a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous Halloween.


Jackie Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


There are no pumpkins in sight so you'll have to trust us that this was taken at a pumpkin-carving party.

That's all really. Hope you're all well.

Viva pumpkins.

Oh, and if anyone has any ideas, we're looking for a Halloween costume for Harper.

Bring em on. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dad's Choice

oms are good for a lot. Almost everything, if you really sit down and do the math on it. But dads come in handy as well.

In the blogworld--or the blogosphere as I've just decided to start calling it--moms are good for providing really cute shots, heartbreaking little smiles and overall quality baby representation.

Dads tie terrycloth belts around their heads and plop babies down on the bed for self-portrait sessions.

Well, the good ones do. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mid-week post

I just thought you all would enjoy seeing Harper in her precious new dress. Harper has her Nana and her dear friends Flavia and Anna to thank for her Fall wardrobe. Thank you to you all for helping make Harper the cutest baby at school...and maybe all the world. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Harper is looking for you! BP is out of town and Harper seems to be searching for him everytime we walk into a new room. She is definitely a Daddy's girl. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hi there, Amelia!

Today, we welcome to the world, Amelia B Piper... and it is almost instantly a better place.

Amelia, I have a very good feeling that you and Harper will be fast and firm friends. I look forward to watching that happen.

Welcome, sweet little girl. Posted by Picasa