Tuesday, October 24, 2006


There are no pumpkins in sight so you'll have to trust us that this was taken at a pumpkin-carving party.

That's all really. Hope you're all well.

Viva pumpkins.

Oh, and if anyone has any ideas, we're looking for a Halloween costume for Harper.

Bring em on. Posted by Picasa


Harper said...

Really? Nothing??

Anonymous said...

Put some lettuce on her head and she can be ... a head of lettuce!

Harper said...

Thank you, Anonymous. As for the rest of you, I am disappointed. I'm not mad, just disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Or, you can write a big letter P on a white shirt and put black under her eye and she can be a black eyed "P"
Aunt Sue Sue (or you can call me anonymous)
(How is Harper feeling?)

the Pipers of Warren said...

wow...I remember a Halloween I spent with Harper's mom in that very costume. Little did I know...

Anonymous said...

Have you considered Dennis Hastert?