Tuesday, January 29, 2008


This morning I walked into the kitchen and witnessed Harper open the kitchen drawer where I keep the napkins, carefully remove one, wipe her nose with it and then gently return it to the package of napkins.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Harper Goes to the Art Museum

What?! The weekend's over? Dang.

OK, I'll get to it. This is from last week. Just a little something to keep the wolves at bay. And by wolves we mean you guys and your voracious appetite for the latest from the littlest Phillips.

Last week we went to an art museum and spent some time in the interactive kids portion where Harper did some drawing and some building and some abstracting and some light redefining of the very nature of art itself.

Here are some not especially good pics of her doing that.

Joy to the world. All the boys and girls.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Harper Hates Empty Calories/Capitol H.

We tried last May with cupcakes and this past weekend Amanda tried again when she enlisted Harper's help in making cookies. But there's something about sweets that sends Harper into hysterics.

In other news, we took Harper down to the park in front of the Capitol to play. She was enthralled with stories of the Tennessee Militia of 1908. Or maybe just her reflection.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Do not freak out

I know we haven't seen many of you in a while, but don't be alarmed: This is not a new sibling that we have failed to tell you about. Regular shoppers here at the Harper Hut will recognize this lovely little stunt double as Aneliese from our sister store "Bug and Bit."

Though their ages differ, they have roughly as much hair and probably the same number of teeth and, when you dress them up in matching pink pajamas, hilarity and similarity ensue.

We hope wherever you are you are also dressed in matching pajamas and hugging someone cute.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Friday, January 04, 2008

For Those About to Resolve, We Salute You

Alright, people. We've got one more weekend to really get our batteries charged and then it's off to the 08 races. Amanda covered her new year's resolutions, so here are mine:

--To have more pictures taken of myself in wooden cutouts like the one above and to use the postal service more.

Harper's resolutions as transcribed from a recent conversation are as follows:
Cheese! Carmie! Cracker? Cracker?? CRACKER?!
...All done!

Those are pretty good. I might actually change mine.

And if your resolution is any way related to being pushed around in a box, then this next video is going out to YOU!

Be careful out there.
-Harper's Folks