Monday, August 06, 2007

"Moh" Vocab & Teeth

After a tough couple of weeks of the long-awaited two front teeth arriving, the littlest Phillips is back to her charming self and talking up a storm. She is picking up a word or two a day! It's amazing to witness. Some of her new favorites are: Apple, Down, Dawg (yes, with that exact pronunciation), kitty, no, shoes, bebo (belly button), milk and a very good grasp of the no and yes head shake (previously confused, now spot-on). She's running and giggling and being nothing but pure joy to BP and myself. In the midst of boxes and packing and general personal mayhem, she's nothing but pure love. See for yourself...


Anonymous said...

OK, that settles it. Harper is getting her own REAL cell phone from me so I can at least hear her talk!! (That picture is just adorable). Love you all,
SC Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

My angels. Can't wait to get there. She so loves her Mommy and Daddy. I am so lucky I was there to witness this.