Friday, February 15, 2008

Sponge Brain Square Pants

Harper's vocabulary is exploding! I swear she is saying 25 new words a day. It's so fun to witness.

Last night we were driving by the grocery store and she said, "KROGER!" She now says things like "Mama, more toast" and "Sit down!" and "Watch TV?" I know, I wish she didn't know what the TV was too, but please save your judgement because sometimes the TV is very helpful. It just is. The "sit down" is especially cute because she pats the ground next to her as she says it.

Another favorite is "monkey" which is what is responsible for the delight above. An real-live monkey from the zoo, not just the word.


Anonymous said...

Harper has been talking a long time. You two are just now understanding. But, she is very patient with us all.
Love is patient!

Anonymous said...

She is also precious when she says, Clancy, HUSH. And the letter "H". We had to say Clancy hush a lot last weekend. xoxo Nonnie