Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Labor Day weekend

So, first things first, Harper has had multiple potty successes this weekend. Big news! Huge news even. She may or may not get diabetes from the amount of jelly beans she has eaten as a result of our reward system, but I am choosing not to worry about that today. I really wish we had a recording of the shriek I let out when I discovered that she actually HAD peed in the potty this time. BP thought the house was on fire until her heard me scream a second time, " BABE, BRING THE JELLY BEANS. SHE'S PEED IN THE POTTY!"

Next, Buster and I finally bought ourselves a really nice camera as our anniversary present to each other. It's something that we have coveted for quite some time and you Harper Town fans are the real winners as this thing takes some GREAT pictures. Please see examples below. I would like to think that I have tapped into an enormous well of hidden talent as a photographer, but I think it's closer to the truth to admit that it's hard to take a bad picture with this new camera. Anyway, enjoy! We sure are.


The Nugents said...

GREAT pics.

Buster, have you told Harper the story about the magic jelly beans that appeared in your pocket after a flight to LA? I think she'd get a kick out of it. But she'd also probably think you got them because you used the bathroom.

- John

Anonymous said...

What happened to Jason's comment?

Anonymous said...

DUH! I'm such a dummy. That was on the blog previous to this. Sorry.