Sunday, January 18, 2009


So it's Sunday and we've got tomorrow off, which is great. So today we're spending reading the paper, playing, drinking coffee and debating the possibility of doing some bowling this afternoon.

We're slowly but surely getting Harper's big-girl room all set up and ready to move her in at some point in the next few weeks, thereby making room for baby #2.

Very little else to report lately. Except that we watched some old home movies today trying to get a grip on all of the unlabeled tapes we have stacked up. Why didn't someone tell me I'd gotten so puffy? Geez.

Hope all's well everywhere. As usual, enjoy some newish Harper pics.



Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. It's almost Feb. 14. Need new pictures. show us the love!

Harper's Nonnie said...

New blog, please. What are yall doin' anyway? xo

Meghan Henley said...

Guys. Blog.