Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life as we know it.

Wednesday's are water play day at Harper's school. So, naturally, today we sent her to school wearing a Dora swimsuit, Crocs and a towel in hand. I drove to school feeling quite proud of myself because I had actually remembered that today was Wednesday and therefore water play day without having to turn around half way to school. I like to give myself really big credit for really small feats.

Anyway, as the Phillies and I traipse into Harper's classroom looking like we could really use a shopping cart for all our loot (I am hauling Margot's car seat [ complete with Margot], Margot's bag of bottles, Harper's bag of extra clothes and Sleeping Beauty) I abruptly realize that Harper is the only child wearing a swimsuit. She turns to me and give me the classic, "MOM!" look as her teacher gently tells me that water play ended two weeks ago.

In other news, Margot is a complete insomniac. Honestly, I can't even begin to explain how frequently she wakes up through the night because no one would believe me. So, I won't. Thankfully she's precious so it's at least nice to visit with her all night long.
She also enjoys a little oatmeal cereal with carrots for dinner now.


Meghan Henley said...

I believe you. I heard it with my own two ears.

Don't tell Harper you will only embarass her more and more in the years to come.

Carol & Mac said...

Oh Mom..........there will be more of this to come!!!!! Sometime you won't know what the "day" is....and you still feel guilty.
Guilty is a feeling you'll just have to get over.