Monday, July 31, 2006

Harper & I play with mirrors

Harper and I are celebrating our last full week together before I return to work. We try not to speak of it too much or we dissolve into a pool of our own tears. Instead, we focus our energy on activities like taking our picture in the mirror (see above) or rolling over. Yes, that's right, rolling over! Harper rolled from her tummy to her back completely on her own today. She was hell bent on accomplishing this task because she hates to be on her tummy. We are both incredibly proud of her problem solving well as every other thing she does that even slightly resembles a skill. Yes, she continues to be awesome. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

7th Heaven

Meghan Henley said...

What beautiful ladies! I am so proud of Harper for rolling over! Cannot wait to tell Uncle Ryan.

Meghan Henley said...

What beautiful ladies! I am so proud of Harper for rolling over! Cannot wait to tell Uncle Ryan.

the Pipers of Warren said...

This is the most beautiful picture of all time. Enjoy this week, and, although you will not believe me now, it really will get easier leaving her. My heart is hurting for you, because I know exactly how you are feeling this week. But your sadness is good...If Harper wasn't so awesome you'd be delighted to be returning to work!

jwrightdesign said...

such a cutie can't wait for Harper and Sasha to play together!