Monday, July 17, 2006

Harper Swings Like a Pendulum Do

There's this swing and the swing has this walleye sort of mirror on it and a mobile-type device with furry birds and whatnot that sing and chirp and make generally pleasant ambient sounds. The sounds and motion and the mobile are all for distraction and for lulling, I think. The walleye is probably a theft deterent. You can never be too careful with infants.

The swing is, as far as we can tell, the second-best thing in the universe. Even Harper, who is, as far as we can tell, the first-best thing in the universe, has her moments of discontent. And when she does, this swing seems to work some sort of weird, swingy magic on our little Grumpasaurus. So here's a tribute to the swing and to our little munchkin and the things she does in it. In order: yawn sweetly toward the sky, play and humor dad and his camera, and smile like she understands it all a lot better than we do. And she probably does.


rustafarian said...

wow, harper is so beautiful. you and amanda must be living in a different world now, i'm sure it's turning your perspective upside down in an amazing way. and i bet it's going to turn harper's perspective upside down when she realizes not all men have a big wooly buster beard!

take care!

the Pipers of Warren said...

She is so beautiful, and she smiles like she has a wonderful secret.

Anonymous said...

What a precious punkin! I can't wait to keep her tomorrow night!!


Meghan Henley said...

It doesn't get much cuter than that! We enjoyed seeing you both.