In this picture I can still make out the soft spot on her head and today when I asked her if she was ready to go to school she said, "READDDYYY!!!!" with as much enthusiasm as if I had asked her if she was ready for Elmo to live with us forever. (She's really fond of Elmo.) She now runs and jumps (kind of) and dances on her Daddy's shoes and hugs. Well, she thinks hugging is placing your head against someone else's head but it's very similar in sentiment.
She talks close to incessantly and if you listen closely you can very clearly make out every tenth or eleventh word. She sings and mocks and gives high fives and sometimes I even find her pretending to read on her own. I mean, just doesn't seem possible. She tells me to put on my shoes and she knows that her cat's name is "Sash" (Sass) and that two comes before three, but still isn't quite sure that it comes after one...or if one exists at all for that matter. She knows that ducks quack and cows moo and that anyone who isn't taller than she is a "baby."
She's tremendous and she's almost 18 months old, and I cannot for the life of me remember what we did without her.
Thank you for that poignant trip back. And for the beautiful description of where she is and consequently where we all are because of her... and her sweet parents.
I can't believe our little Harper is growing up so fast. I was going to say enjoy every second of every day with her, but it sounds as if you are. I know I enjoy each word you write about her, and I want to see & hear everything she is doing and saying myself.
Enough of's time for you to move to SC. Or, at least visit us!
Love you.
New blog please
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