Monday, November 12, 2007

Far too long

You know when you REALLY need to call an old friend but the thought of all the catching-up you would need to do is so daunting that you just keep putting it off? Furthermore, you sort of half hope that you'll get voicemail so you can leave a few tiny morsels of info and at very least relieve your aching mind? If you know that feeling, then you understand why the blog is so out of date...
Anyway, here's the voicemail. "Hey! How are you?! I am so sorry I have been so out of touch. Things have been CRAZY, crazy, crazy but we are slowly starting to emerge from the fog. ANYWAY, Harper is doing great! She was Dumbo for Halloween (see picture above), she's started saying 'Bless you' when she or anyone around her sneezes, she colored part of our new banister with a black crayon yesterday, and she has learned to say Carmine's name (much to Carmie's chagrin). She chases Carmie around very close to constantly repeating 'CARMIE, CARMIE, CARMIE' over and over again. The only thing that can divert her attention is 'Sash' the cat. Anyway, I've prattled on long enough. I hope all is well with y'all. We think about you all the time even though I imagine it's hard to see that from our lack of correspondence. Chat soon!"