Monday, June 16, 2008

Too much Dora?

Harper has recently fallen head-over-heals in love with Dora the Explorer.

Yesterday she called my purse my "rescue pack." Do you think that means she watching too much tv?



Meghan Henley said...

It happens to everyone honey...not to worry.

the Pipers of Warren said...

I felt the same when Millie (owner of about 7 words total) yelled BACKPACK!! BACKPACK!! at a passerby at the airport last week. Don't ask yourself if she is watching too much television, but rather, why are Dora's eyes SO unbelievably large. Then you'll feel like a great mom. Sorry Senora Dora.

Anonymous said...

I worry our kids will speak the same way someday, saying something, then pausing weirdly as they wait for the response en Espanol. -jen