Friday, June 13, 2008


So, it's Summertime and we're spending as much time as possible outside, at the beach, at the zoo or having tea parties...hence the lack of blogging. We also had a computer problem that has since been rectified.

As you can probably guess, Harper's is blossoming into quite the young lady. She speaks in complete sentences now and can make my week in a heartbeat. Yesterday morning as I was strapping her in to go to school she said, "Mommy, have a great day." I mean, really.

We had a fabulous week in Destin with Ryan, Meghan, Collin & Aneliese. I know it doesn't look like AE is having fun in this picture, but she was on the inside.

Harper went "surfing" for the first time ever. She was a real pro. If this were a movie, you could tell how well she's perfected the ability to not move a muscle while surfing. Actually, a movie of her surfing would look almost exactly like this picture. As Ryan said to some people passing bye while she was surfing, "I swear it's a real kid."

Harper went to her first Kiddie Amusement Park. That's us riding the train.

That's Harper and Collin. You can't tell here but they are heading way up into the air. She loved every second of this incredibly scary and pretty unsafe kids' ride. If Nana had been with us, they wouldn't have been allowed to ride it.

More summer fun to come. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the new beautiful pictures! Nonnie

Anonymous said...

we've got a Harper Mae too - just Googled her name. She is 6. We are in London England.Good choice of name! Best wishes, Mike,jayne, Franklin and Harper.