Monday, March 23, 2009

She's charming - it's official

This morning when I dropped Harper off at school she was immediately swarmed by a gaggle of her friends. Franklin said, "Harper's my BEST friend" then Ridge jumped up and said "NO! Harper's MY BEST FRIEND." Well, then sweet little Marshall had to jump on the bandwagon too, at which point Ridge started to get a little irritated and more emphatically staked his claim.
Then, Abbey decided to take matters into her own hands and went in for the big bear hug which in-turn started a pile-on of hugs for Harper. At this point, the teacher stepped in like some sort of body guard repeating, "give Harper her space everyone, step away from Harper."

Harper didn't say a word the entire time. She just graciously accepted all of their love so as not to hurt any one's feelings.

1 comment:

Harper's Nonnie said...

What a great start to my Tueday. I can just see her.