Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Two Years Old

If you read my previous post you can probably tell that I am feeling more than a little sentimental about the gals' birthdays. I suppose that Harper turning five just makes us want to sop up even more of Margot's "still little" years. Watching her little personality emerge in all the wondrous ways that only a two-year-old can pull off is so amazing.

She's ridiculously precious. Her teachers often comment that it's hard to scold her when she's mischievous (which is A LOT) because she's so darn cute. She knows exactly when to flash that toothy smile to make it virtually impossible to do anything but kiss her smooth little cheeks. She loves music and will bounce to the beat of anything she hears, even the windshield wipers. She finally SLEEPS! It only took her 22 months (good grief). She has this precious little off-centered run that almost looks like a limp (but not in a sad way). She loves hugging, candy and saying, "Ohhh mannn."

She's pretty close to perfect and she's made the Phillips Family Four complete. Happy Second Birthday, Margie!

We'll be celebrating on Saturday (yes, same day as Harper's) with an Elmo themed birthday party. Stay tuned for pictures.

1 comment:

Carol & Mac said...

these sweet little angels are just growing up too, too fast!!!! Human nature makes us eagerly wish and anticipate their next "stage"....
Two absolutely beautiful little girls.........making the Phillips family just perfect!!!!