Saturday, May 20, 2006

Field Trip to the Coffee Shop

It's Saturday and it's kinda raining and it's also kinda sunshining so we bundled up the little one, slapped a leash on the furry one and strolled to the coffee shop. I had granola, Amanda had oatmeal, Harper had a nap and Carmine had a dog biscuit. Amanda read the paper, I read Rolling Stone, about a hundred ten-speed bikers biked by and on the way home we stopped and talked to some neighbors.

In keeping with our new trend of photographing nearly everything, I meant to document Harper's first visit to the coffee shop. With all the excitement of the bike race though I forgot until we were halfway home.

But it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and a neighborly day for a beauty so here are a few pictures anyway. One pre-stroll and mid-stroll.

Hope everyone's Saturday is strolling along as happily as ours.

1 comment:

the Pipers of Warren said...

ahhh...I very vaguely remember the joys of sitting in a coffee shop, reading, while my child sleeps peacefully beside me. VERY vaguely. Enjoy it!