Friday, May 26, 2006

Our First Park Visit

In a perfect world I would spend all of my days very much like this: In the park with my wife, dog and daughter, watching birds fly by and rollerbladers mangle their knees. Here are a few shots of Harper's first visit to the park. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it a little more than she lets on in these shots.

And here's one that I just thought was fun. This taken in the car while Amanda is in the store buying diapers shortly after I almost ran over Amanda on her way in to the store to buy diapers.


Anonymous said...

Oh my oh my...the yearning for this child would be unbearable but for this blog.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy every picture and every word written about our little Harper. Keep it up. It's good to see you, Buster & Amanda, but let's face it, you don't really change from week to week like our baby girl does!
Love to all,

chris said...

holy crap. this blog is great and all these pictures are great. you look like such a fantastic, poster-in-prints-plus-worthy dad in that picture, buster. So nicely done. Much love to you all.