Thursday, May 18, 2006

Harper's Thursday at a glance

A couple of pretty cool things have happened in the past day or so. First, Harper's gross belly button cord is just about to fall off. Actually it's hanging by a thread, which is even more disgusting than when it was fully intact. Buster and I both look forward to her cord being a thing of the past.

Second, Harper had lunch at Panera Bread today. Well, she slept through most of it but it was quite an adventure for me seeing as I am practically a shut-in at this point. Posted by Picasa


the Pipers of Warren said...

How fun! I wish we could meet you for lunch at Panera.

Meghan Henley said...

This entire time I was thinking Buster was doing the blog. Glad to hear you were able to get out for an hour or so. The simplest things become an adventure.

We love you all!