Monday, August 07, 2006


The ability to maintain composure during difficult times is something I hope to one day teach Harper. Today, however, will not be the day we begin that particular lesson.

Today is the last day of my truly marvelous maternity leave. So, after 9+ months of pregnancy and 14 weeks of constant love and devotion, we must give up our days of playtime and discovery for the real world. From where I sit today, this will be the hardest thing I have ever done. Please send me some strength, Buster some patience and Harper some extra love. Posted by Picasa


The Mangrums said...

It's certainly hard, but we really think (or at least hope) that the benefits make the tiny heartbreak at morning drop off worth it. She'll be better for the experience, and be more social than those spelling bee winning, home schooled, maladjusted kids you see...

the Pipers of Warren said...

It will be the hardest thing you've ever done...and then it will get easier. And then one day Harper will not even notice when you leave, and cry when you pick her up to take her home, and it'll be the secondest hardest day! But through it all, you'll know that all of it is SO much better than not knowing any of it at all. You are already strong, and Buster already patient, and Harper already has so much love coming from up here that we all may pop.

Anonymous said...

I will simply add this brief moment: I just drove George to his daycare and, on the way, we were chatting about things (elephants, books, straws). Then he got sick of talking to me so started crying and shouting (par for the course). I opened the door to his daycare and a swarm of children came to greet him and he disappeared into the throng, smiling and laughing and utterly devoid of any memory of his boring father.

It really does get easier. I swear.

jwrightdesign said...

I spent the first week counting the hours and staying busy so I did not break down...and I survived. The 2nd and 3rd weeks got easier and now Sasha loves her playmate and loves seeing me when I get home. That smile she gives me when I come in...priceless!