Sunday, August 13, 2006

Tomato, Tomahto

No matter which way you slice it, Harper's experience at the East Nashville Tomato festival was a fantastic one. We saw some great tomato art and had some disgusting tomato basil popsicles. Harper smiled at lots of colorful folks and Buster and I just enjoyed hanging out with our own little cherry tomato, Harper. Posted by Picasa


The Mangrums said...

Congratulations, Amanda, on getting week one under your belt. It's all downhill from here. Or is it uphill? "Downhill" sounds negative but it's easier to walk...I digress. Hang in there. Babies are like puppies in SO many ways, including a very forgiving memory.

the Pipers of Warren said...

"cherry tomato"...classic.

Meghan Henley said...

Tomato basil popsicles. Sorry I missed that. Kiss her for us.