Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho

I never doubted it. I've seen her strength and determination. I've seen her struggle with challenges before and she has always overcome them with poise. Like learning how to say pamphlet the right way and how to conduct herself in modern society with those mostly-opposable thumbs....she's a survivor.

So she's back and of course everyone at CMT is glad to have her. And when the day's over, so is Harper and so am I, like always. She hasn't said so, but I think it's probably kinda nice to be reminded that there are other people who are glad to have her in their lives. And, not to take anything away from Harper, it's probably a little refreshing that those people speak English and don't poop in their pants as often.

So, hooray for Amanda at work. Hooray for Amanda when she's home. Hooray for having two parallel lives where people value who she is and what she does. Which is a lot.

And hooray for me too, just cuz (but if you need a reason, how about because of that shrimp dish I made Sunday? It was pretty great.) All is well and the Phillipseses are coming through with flying colors.

And now, some pictures of Harper.


Anonymous said...

Hooray, indeed, for your precious family. xo

the Pipers of Warren said...

I am so not surprised that the folks at CMTV were cheering to have Amanada back if she was wearing the same top as she is in that first about a hot mama!

Meghan Henley said...

Hooray for Amanda, for sure! Such a big move. Working mothers truly have something to be proud of!!! And you too, Buster, of course! I didn't get any of the shrimp dish, by the way. As hungry as I am lately...

We must visit soon.