Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stand up!

There is something y'all should know about Harper. She loves to stand. She'll stand on your legs, on the kitchen counter, on top of the washing machine, in her crib, on Carmine, in front of the TV, on the arms of the couch or on a table at a restaurant. She doesn't really care where she stands, just as long as she is doing it. Maybe one day she will stand up for her rights or the rights of others or against racial profiling, but for now she's content just to simply...stand. Posted by Picasa


Meghan Henley said...

She looks so big! Love the shirt... almost bought her one til I found out she already had one.

Anonymous said...

I want a new blog. It's Sunday.

Harper said...

Our audience is getting very demanding! New blog, right away, sir.