Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What a Life

So if you look back at the first entry of Harper's blog, there's a quote from a song by a guy named Thad Cockrell. There are a number of things to say about Thad, the most important of which is that he's a friend. The next most important thing is that a few years ago Thad went into a studio and made the best country record I've heard in years. Go buy it.

That song we quoted in our first blog entry isn't available yet, but it's beautiful and wound up meaning a lot to us as we brought Harper into the world . When it finally sees the light of day there's a great story I'd love to tell you about a dedication he made to Harper one night at a little club in Nashville not long after she was born (she wasn't there, by the way--we're not that progressive). It'll put a lump in your throat.

So anyway, Thad came over for dinner this week and spent time with me and Amanda and my mom (who has swooped in like a superhero to take care of Harper). Toward the end of the night, Harper, sensing there was something happening, got herself up, demanding that she be made part of the gathering. So Thad grabbed a guitar and played her that song. And she stared. And listened.

And it was one of those moments that she won't remember except maybe somewhere way deep down where you probably remember the best things anyway. But we'll tell her the story one day of how Thad played her this song on her porch when she was only four months old and she'll think it's pretty neat. For her folks it was downright moving. So thanks, Thad.

It's moments like that, as they say.

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the Pipers of Warren said...

...already got a lump in my throat.

Can you guys please stop posting things that make an (almost) 8-month pregnant woman cry?

Thank you.

Emily said...

I love that story--and I happen to be a big Thad Cockerell fan (esp. the duets album with Caitlyn Cary . . . I guess my 3 degrees of separation to you guys is that I once slept at her house when the band I was in was touring). Can't wait to hear that song.

Emily said...

We'd love to hear the song. I'm available if Thad ever wants a backup singer. Just kidding. Sort of. Not really.

I realized after I posted the three degrees of separation comment that we have, um, one degree of separation, aka the Pipers. Duh.

Harper is a beauty--we're really enjoing watching her blossom!